Tag Archive for: Sharepoint

I saw something new this past weekend: A laptop at the head table of a wedding. I was at my niece’s wedding and the master of ceremonies had a laptop to keep his agenda flowing smoothly and to come up with interesting games and tidbits to share with the guests.

An important message to my IT contacts, thanks to Mike Hatfield, Nicom’s Chief Technology Officer, regarding a security vulnerability…

Woody Allen used to say that 80% of success is showing up. I’d add that the remaining 20% is staying there long enough.

We’ve been working with SharePoint for a long time, and now we are being recognized formally as having a SharePoint competancy under Microsoft’s Gold Certified Partner program!

What a way to learn. I was with my colleagues Dave and Geoff, a couple of people from Microsoft, and a dozen or so customers at Glen Arbor Golf Course. We called it the Nicom IT Solutions/Microsoft “Golfinar”, a combination golf game and seminar.