Woody Allen used to say that 80% of success is showing up. I’d add that the remaining 20% is staying there long enough.

I am pleased to announce that Ian McLaws of Nicom now possesses the Associate Business Continuity Professional (ABCP) designation.

When I first met Chris Lambie, the new Herald Business Editor, I explained that I always strive for my column to be about real life business situations where technology plays a part, and to speak from personal experience as opposed to secondary research.

David Miller is a brave soul. He is one of the senior technical support people at my company Nicom and he likes to use test versions of software long before they are ever released to the public.

If ever I had to put together an army, I’d recruit Costco shoppers for their sheer loyalty. My comments in last month’s column garnered more feedback than usual, most of it illuminating the privileges of membership which I so callously discounted in my remarks.